updating sporatically


hello again

It has been about two months since i have had a real non-how-about-I-just-stick-in-a-webcomic-post, so I figured I ought to stick in a few sentences in here this evening.

I've grown to be alright with school to a certain extent, I can get through work without any real hassles. Right now the only real problem I have is setting goals for myself. It's not that I can't work towards a goal, I just can't seem to find a goal that's viable or interesting enough to suit me right now. I keep telling myself that I'm going to write a novel, but I've decided to work on that off and on until summer.

I really ought to be throwing myself into my schoolwork, but I find my classes a tad boring sometimes. It's not that the subjects aren't interesting, it's just that I don't like the way they're being taught. I can't say it's doing wonders for my study habits; I don't bring a notebook book to class, and my readings are done in the hour before class, if at all.

I doubt I'm going to take psych next year. I like the idea of psychology, but I suppose I want to just sit around and access cognitive awareness by thinking and talking and using my gut. It's not that I don't think that the science of it can be interesting, but what I'm being taught is so shallow in some ways, and I can't shake the feeling that in the next decade or so all of todays psychology will just have turned out to be useless.

English I like to an extent, but it seems every time I write an essay it gets a little worse. It's as if I only had a certain amount of formal essays in me when I was born and I've run dry. Formal essays just strike me more and more as formulaic though, and I don't have the patience anymore to breath the life into them any more. I'm probably just lazy.

I have no real complaints about philosophy, there's no much to know and argue that just requires you to be bright. Which is all I am. I'm forget facts easily, I'm not well read, or particularly knowledgeable. Though at times modern standards have dropped to make me seem a great deal more knowledgeable than I am, in the larger scheme of things I'm tremendously ignorant.

Philosophy doesn't command you to accept anything, but encourages you to study everything.

The only problem is that philosophizing isn't a career. There's absolutely no money to be made out of it. None.

I can use it for other things: for writing books, for going into politics, for just general insight into virtually any field, but I can't expect it to be an end unto itself.

There's a lot more to this train of thought, but I've gone on long enough and it's late and I haven't been getting enough sleep lately.


Mickie said...

I know exactly how you feel. If I took your blog and only replaced your course names with mine and added a 'very' in front of ignorant, it would apply creepily well to my life. Especially the essay part. Writing essays was hard in IB. Now it's just booooorrrrringgg-gah. And you can tell that I really mean that because I hate it when people use more letters than necessary while typing (unless there is an extreme need for emphasis [or a need for extreme emphasis, whichever you prefer]). And unfortunately for us kids who have no particular plan for the course of our lives (i.e. Arts students), essays are all that they can think to do with us. I mean, sure, I can write you five paragraphs on the use of Naturalism in Strindberg's "Miss Julie" (sorry about the quote marks on a play - I don't know how to italicize with HTML) or fill ten pages with arguments supporting the idea that state violence is sometimes necessary. But, first of all, "Miss Julie" was a stupid play - basically Jean was a bully/ho and therefore everything must be Julie's fault because she's female (good thing she kills herself! [really sorry to spoil that for you]). And anyway, come on profs. I know that you know everything that I'm putting in my paper already. And you know that I know that I can pass your courses without coming up with original ideas of my own. So why are we wasting each other's time? I'll read a book and take a test without [much] complaint - that at least shows that I've learned and retained some new information for at least a brief period of time. But enough essays. Save those for people doing their Masters who are actually (supposedly) thinking for themselves. We all know that undergrad essays are just a bunch of BS arranged in long words and convulted sentences. We're just shooting to make the grade.

Mickie said...

Wow, sorry about the length of that comment. I might just copy-paste that to my own blog, because I've been to busy/lazy to post lately. On the other hand, the only people who read my blog already read yours, so this rant will not be news to them. No big. I'll just make something up.

Nathanial Stuart said...

Well thanks for ruining Miss Julie for me, we're doing that later in the term.

And yes, essays are lame. Basically what I'd like is to just learn, show up, take no tests and do no assignments. granted, they probably want a university degree to have an objective value, but having a BA doesn't qualify you to do anything anyways, except the right to take an MA.

I'm taking a broad view of everything that isn't a science [or so I like to tell myself] but I don't like the class being weighed down by petty little scholastic traditions.

It's not as bad as I make it out to be really, I suppose I'm just a tinge bitter about studying in SJ where half of the student population oughtn't have graduated from high school, much less pressed their luck to graduated from high school, much less press their luck to higher learning. The vast majority of the remaining 50% percent are foreign students who cluster into inaccessible little groups based on their respective nationalities, leaving a tiny community of accessible minds that I can connect with, who will be upgrading to a better school the first chance they get.

Mickie said...

Oh! I'm really sorry I ruined the end for you! I hate it when people do that! I just figured that no one else would ever read such a play. Needless to say, not one of my favourites.
And I'm sad that you're unhappy with school. I mean not entirely but there's so much that's unsatisfactory. Is it not enough to just want to learn? Why are they judging us? I miss the days [during which I wasn't alive] when you didn't need a university degree to get anywhere at all. I want to learn but I want to learn by living. Things can only be taught to a certain extent and then beyond that, people have to learn for themselves.
I don't know if any of that made sense. I'm a little sleepy right now. I'm in the middle of an identity crisis and it's giving me a headache.